EGEN Workshopped Research in Print
2023. Cheema, Ali, Sarah Khan, Asad Liaqat, and Shandana Khan Mohmand. “Canvassing the Gatekeepers: A Field Experiment to Increase Women Voters’ Turnout in Pakistan.” American Political Science Review 117(1): 1–21.
2023. Brulé, Rachel E. “Women and Power in the Developing World.” Annual Review of Political Science 26(1): 33–54.
2023. Prillaman, Soledad Artiz. The Patriarchal Political Order: The Making and Unraveling of the Gendered Participation Gap in India. Forthcoming at Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2023. Holman, Mirya and Mahoney, Anna. "Take (Her) to the Limit: Term Limits do Not Diminish Women's Overperformance in Legislative Office." Legislative Studies Quarterly (48), pp. 681-694.
2023. Clayton, Amanda, Jennifer M. Piscopo, and Diana Z. O'Brien. "Women Grab Back: Exclusion, Policy Threat, and Women’s Political Ambition." Forthcoming at American Political Science Review
2022. Bush, Sarah and Amanda Clayton. "Facing Change: Gender and Climate Change Attitudes Worldwide." First view at American Political Science Review.
2022. Teele, Dawn. "Gender and the Impact of Proportional Representation: A Comment on the Peripheral Voting Thesis." First view at American Political Science Review.
2022 . Armstrong, Brenna; Barnes, Tiffany, O'Brien Diana Z. and Michelle Taylor-Robinson. "Corruption, Accountability, and Women's Access to Power." Journal of Politics, 84(2), pp. 1207–1213.
2022. Lindsey, Summer. “Conflict, Protection, and Punishment: Repercussions of Violence in Eastern DR Congo.” American Journal of Political Science, 66, pp. 187-204.
2021. Gaikwad, Nikhar, Kolby Hanson and Aliz Tóth. “How Overseas Opportunities Shape Political Preferences: A Field Experiment on International Migration”
- Winner of the 2020 Robert H. Durr Award for Best Paper in Applied Quantitative Methods, Midwest Political Science Association.
2021. Hinojosa, Magda; Piscopo, Jennifer; Siavelis, Peter, and Gwynn Thomas. "Follow the Money: Gender, Incumbency, and Campaign Funding in Chile” First view at Comparative Political Studies.
2021. Skorge, Øyvind Søraas. "Mobilizing the Underrepresented: Electoral Systems and Gender Inequality in Political Participation." American Journal of Political Science.
2021. Morgan-Collins, Mona. "The electoral impact of newly enfranchised groups: The case of women’s suffrage in the United States." The Journal of Politics, 83(1), pp.150-165.
2021. Thomas, Jakana. "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing: Assessing the Effect of Gender Norms on the Lethality of Female Suicide Terrorism." International Organization 75: 769-802.
2021. Brulé, Rachel and Nikhar Gaikwad. “Culture, Capital & the Gender Gap in Political Economy Preferences: Evidence from Meghalaya’s Tribes” Journal of Politics 83(3): 834-850.
2021. Artiz Prillaman, Soledad. "Strength in Numbers: How Women's Groups Close India's Political Gender Gap." American Journal of Political Science.
2021. Bernhard, Rachel, Shauna Shames, and Dawn Teele. “To Emerge? Breadwinning, Motherhood, and Women’s Decisions to Run for Office.” American Political Science Review 115(2): 379-394.
2020. Barnes, Tiffany D., and Mirya R. Holman. "Gender Quotas, Women’s Representation, and Legislative Diversity." The Journal of Politics 82(4): 1271-1286.
2020. Barnes, Tiffany D., Victoria D. Beall, and Mirya R. Holman. "Pink‐Collar Representation and Budgetary Outcomes in US States." Legislative Studies Quarterly. Online First.
2020. Brulé, Rachel. “Reform, Representation and Resistance: The Politics of Property Rights’ Enforcement.” 2020. Journal of Politics. 82(4), 1390 - 1405.
2019. Clayton, Amanda, Diana O'Brien, and Jennifer Piscopo. "All Male Panels? Representation and Democratic Legitimacy." The American Journal of Political Science. 63(1),113-129.
- Winner of the 2017 MPSA Sophonisba Breckinridge Award for best paper on the topic of women and politics
- Research covered by the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, FiveThirtyEight, the Monkey Cage, and the Pacific Standard.
2018. Teele, Dawn, Joshua Kalla, and Frances Rosenbluth. "The Ties that Double Bind: Social Roles and Women's Under Representation in Politics." American Political Science Review, 112(3): 525-541. replication files.
2018. Weeks, Ana Catalano. "Why Are Gender Quota Laws Adopted by Men? The Role of Inter-and Intraparty Competition." Comparative Political Studies 51, no. 14 (2018): 1935-1973.